Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The diary of a would-be businessman

Hi, I’m Dylan Maverick. I don’t know why I am introducing myself to you (whoever you are), but I figured as it is my first blog post I should be polite.

What does it take to be a good businessman? It’s the first question I asked myself when I entered Harvard. Does it have something to do with education? If that’s the case, then I made the right choice. But later, I found out that education can only get you so far.

For some reason this seems strangely accurate.
I mean sure, they’ll teach you accounting, market strategy, organizational behavior, and financial marketing, but they don’t actually get to the nitty gritty part.

Don’t take this the wrong way, I enjoy my classes, heck I’m even good at them, but at the end of the day there’s this vague feeling of emptiness that something’s missing.

So I decided to take matters in my own hands and educate myself properly on what it’s really like. The Internet is a cornucopia of information and I figured it’s time to stop watching… erm… the latest season of Fringe and start learning.

 So I thought I should make my own blog to contain everything that I think is worth learning about businesses and so I could share my own experience of what having your own business actually means.

I even came up with my own definition for business:

“A business for an entrepreneur is the equivalent of a book for a writer; it first starts off as an idea, and then it takes shape; it has many ups and downs and a few errors and it can sometimes be frustrating, and just when you think you have an entire grasp of the whole concept, it suddenly procures a mind of its own and all you have to do is to watch it take flight only to be slaughtered by the public.“

Well that’s my idea of what a business is, but I’m pretty sure it’s completely different from what the textbooks say.

 Well that’s all for now… Have an awesome day!

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way. “
-          Robert Kiyosaki


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